Climatic Garden

This project is needed, because it is very important to rise awareness of  climate change  in  primary and secondary schools and  focuse on teoretical and practial teaching of students in the field of  climate change mitigation and adaptation and also to inform great public about  this issue and  its  mitigation  and adaptation.   Project consolidates bilateral cooperation  with Norwegian partner and supports exchange of  education and  experiences  in this field.

This project will address the challenges by implementation of           

  1. Construction of ecopedagogical area  ,which consists of: * raised beds with herbs  with rainwater watering system , *herb garden  and   *sensational  barefoot path                              
  2. Rainwater lake  which is a part of moder infrastructure and  rainwater garden , which  both take care of rain management and  this also helps  saving drinking water.
  3. Planting trees, bushes, soil – covering plants , which  reduces  soil vulnerability  against long-term droughts and  other plants in  this area is increasing the proportion of greenery
  4. Waste reduction by using the composters – students will be taught how to build  and maintain the composters and also how to practically  reduce waste from the garden and kitchen  by using the composters and how to use   composted material. 
  5. Supporting biodiversity by making insect house
  6. Adjusting Curriculum in the school subject Sustainable  Life in Practice , adding a practical  parts, opening after school couse
  7. Creating materials: * map of Climatic Garden, *Leaflets, *Worksheets, *Presentations, *Videos and *Questionaires,
  8. Use of Climatic Garden during lesson of applicants´s  students and participants´ students in our town.                               

Taking care of Climatic Garden and practical exploratory learning and also ensuring its long term sustainiability. 

 Mandatory Publicity  – organising opening and closing conference and creating  web subpage on  webpage of our school  and   publication of  educative materials and evets. 

Promotional  activities: Information events in  Elementary and Secondary Schools in our town, Workshops in Centre of Free Time, at our school,   climatic  march these activities are oriented in climate change mitigation and adaptation.   

The project plans to achieve climate-friendly behavior among people, who have experienced the educational process in Climatic Garden. To encourage them to care about the environment, climate, climate changes mitigation and adaptation. This behavior will have changed after being a part of this project and after being involved into educational and practical concept of Climatic Garden  people  became aware of context how can we contribute and make things  better in this field. Education   should be the first step to show us how changes in lifestyle and behaviour patterns can contribute to changing so much in our lives and environment.                                                                                                                                           

Who is expected to benefit from this project and how will they benefit?  All participants´ and  partners´  students and teachers,  students from bilateral partner school by exchanging the experience, teaching and promotional material and also children from nursery schools, pupils from elementary schools, students from secondary schools in the surroundings or our district, who come and experience the exploratory learning focused on climate change mitigation and adaptation as well as public during the promotional events and visits in Climatic Garden. 

For each donor project partner or other project partner: what added value is the partnership expected to bring to the project?  It will contribute to Roma community inclusion and their education because the majority of students of construction specializations are from this community. Roma students will help in the first phase of building and planting the hard measures under the supervision of their practical education teachers, garden architect and teachers.

Project partners:

Centre of free time Relax, Rimavská Sobota CVČ Relax Rimavská Sobota – YouTube

Primary School of Pavol Dobšinský, Rimavská Sobota (Základná škola Pavla Dobšinského – YouTube)

Radøy ungdomsskule, Alver kommune, Manger Norway 

You can find published partnership agreements for the project Climatic Garden ACC03P12 here:,objedn%C3%A1vokafakt%C3%BAr.aspx?id=496099#dnn_ctr2168_ModuleContent,objedn%C3%A1vokafakt%C3%BAr.aspx?id=496097#dnn_ctr2168_ModuleContent

Project budget: 41 150 EUR

The project is funded by:

And also co-financed by the Banská Bystrica self-governing region in the amount of EUR 2057

Norvegian Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021 in the amount of EUR 33 229

And the state budget of the Slovak Republic – Ministry of the Environment in the amount of EUR 5864